Moscow, September 29 - October 2, 2020
Moscow, September 29 - October 2, 2020
April, 06, 2020
Data for registration is prolonging until May, 15 (2020).
March, 20, 2020
You are welcome to take part in the work of the X International Conference “Bio-Antioxidant” which is held on the basis of Emanuel Institute of Biochemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow).
The V Emanuel Readings and the ceremony of awarding the medals “In Memory of Academician N.M. Emanuel” FOR ACHIEVEMENTS IN CHEMICAL AND BIOCHEMICAL PHYSICS will take place during the Conference on October 1st.
Organizers of the Conference: Department of Chemistry and Materials Science, Emanuel Institute of Biochemical Physics RAS.
Theme of the Conference: Modern problems of the fundamental researches of mechanism of the oxidative processes in systems of varying complexity, search and synthesis of the new classes low-toxic antioxidants, the participant of antioxidants in the regulation of oxidative stress in the biological objects.
Aim of the Conference: Assessment of the state of fundamental and applied studies in the area and determination of prospective directions for further research.
Basic directions included in the program of the Conference are following:
To participate in the Conference, you should submit the registration form before April 20, 2020 and electronic version of abstracts as a Microsoft Word file to the address of the Organizing Committee before June 15, 2020.
The registration form is here.
Abstracts should not exceed one standard A4 sheet and should be typed with single spacing and margins of 2.5 cm on each side. The abstract should be written in Times New Roman 12 letters without identifying paragraphs. Please justify both margins of your text. The title of the abstract should be entered with capital letters; please type the initials and last name of the authors on a new line in small letters with initial capital letters only; the reporter’s name should be emphasized by underlining and followed by the elaborated name of the institutional affiliation typed on a new line in small letters with initial capital letters only; the name of the town should be separated by a comma; the name and address of the author responsible for correspondence should be presented at the end of the abstract.
Authors are requested to email electronic versions of the abstracts and registration forms to the address: BioAntiOxidant@sky.chph.ras.ru.
Abstract sample:
I.N. Kurochkin, N.P. Palmina
Emanuel Institute of Biochemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (address, phone, e-mail)
Registration fee should be paid in cash upon arrival at the Conference at the moment of registration.
The Editorial Review Board of collected abstracts reserves the right not to publish the papers which are not relevant to the said subject or fail to meet the mentioned requirements.
Further information about publication of the report abstracts in the Proceedings of the Conference and the required layout of reports will be provided in the next Information Bulletin.
For additional information about the Conference, please contact: Shishkina Lyudmila Nikolaevna;
e-mail: shishkina@sky.chph.ras.ru
Executive Secretary of the Organizing Committee,
Phone: +7(495) 939-71-86